

The Android Open System Platform (AOSP) is publicly available and modifiable Android source code. Anyone can download and modify AOSP for their device. AOSP provides a complete and fully functional implementation of the Android mobile platform.


  1. 安卓开源系统平台。
  2. 代码开源。
  3. 下载修改自由。
  4. 提供安卓移动平台完整的功能实现。



Note: AOSP can’t provide support for apps that require backend services, such as a cloud messaging or advanced location services app. AOSP also doesn’t include a full set of end-user apps that might be needed for particular types of devices.


  1. 与云端服务交互的应用不在支持的范围之列。
  2. 特定设备定制的应用不在支持的范围之列。



There are two levels of compatibility for devices implementing AOSP: AOSP compatibility and Android compatibility. An AOSP-compatible device must conform to the list of requirements in the Compatibility Definition Document (CDD). An Android-compatible device must conform to the list of requirements in the CDD and Vendor Software Requirements (VSR) and tests such as those in the Vendor Test Suite (VTS) and Compatibility Test Suite (CTS). For further information on Android compatibility, refer to the Android compatibility program.


  1. 两个层面的兼容性:开源系统平台的兼容性和安卓兼容性。
  2. 第一个层面的兼容性:兼容性的定义文档中的需求。
  3. 第二个层面的兼容性:除了兼容性的定义文档外,还有供应商的软件需求、供应商的测试套件、兼容性测试套件。
  4. 安卓兼容性的计划。



AOSP architecture

The software stack for AOSP contains the following layers:


  1. 软件堆栈。



Following is a list of definitions for terms used in Figure 1:

Android app

An app created solely using the Android API. Google Play Store is widely used to find and download Android apps, though there are many other alternatives. In some cases, a device manufacturer might want to preinstall an Android app to support the core functionality of the device. If you’re interested in developing Android apps, refer to developers.android.com


  1. 安卓应用。
  2. 只用安卓应用编程接口。
  3. 查找和下载应用的商店有谷歌官方的也有其它的。
  4. 设备制造商可能会预装应用支持一些设备的核心功能。
  5. 应用开发的站点不同于此站点。



Privileged app

An app created using a combination of the Android and system APIs. These apps must be preinstalled as privileged apps on a device.


  1. 特权应用。
  2. 结合使用安卓应用编程接口和系统应用编程接口。
  3. 必须预装。



Device manufacturer app

An app created using a combination of the Android API, system API, and direct access to the Android framework implementation. Because a device manufacturer might directly access unstable APIs within the Android framework, these apps must be preinstalled on the device and can be updated only when the device’s system software is updated.


    1. 设备制造商应用。
    2. 除了特权应用可访问的两类接口外,这类应用还能直接访问安卓框架的实现。
    3. 为了使用一些安卓框架中不稳定的编程接口。
    4. 也必须预装。
    5. 只能跟着系统软件的升级而升级。



    System API

    The System API represents Android APIs available only to partners and OEMs for inclusion in bundled applications. These APIs are marked as @SystemApi in the source code.


      1. 系统应用编程接口。
      2. 仅开放给谷歌的合作商和设备制造商。
      3. 源代码中打了特殊标记。



      * Gives access to the system properties store. The system properties
      * store contains a list of string key-value pairs.
      * <p>Use this class only for the system properties that are local. e.g., within
      * an app, a partition, or a module. For system properties used across the
      * boundaries, formally define them in <code>*.sysprop</code> files and use the
      * auto-generated methods. For more information, see <a href=
      * "https://source.android.com/devices/architecture/sysprops-apis">Implementing
      * System Properties as APIs</a>.</p>
      * {@hide}
      public class SystemProperties {

      Android API

      The Android API is the publicly available API for third-party Android app developers. For information on the Android API, refer to Android API reference.


        1. 安卓应用编程接口。
        2. 三方应用开发者。
        3. 编程接口文档链接。



        Android framework

        A group of Java classes, interfaces, and other precompiled code upon which apps are built. Portions of the framework are publicly accessible through the use of the Android API. Other portions of the framework are available only to OEMs through the use of the system APIs. Android framework code runs inside an app’s process.


          1. 安卓框架。
          2. 应用构建所依赖的Java类、接口和其它的预编译后的代码。
          3. 安卓框架皆是通过应用编程接口来被使用的。
          4. 安卓框架运行在每一个应用的进程中。



          System services

          System services are modular, focused components such as system_server, SurfaceFlinger, and MediaService. Functionality exposed by Android framework API communicates with system services to access the underlying hardware.


          1. 系统服务。
          2. 模块化、功能集中。
          3. 举了三例:system_server, SurfaceFlinger, and MediaService。
          4. 暴露出去的安卓框架的编程接口实际是通过系统服务来跟硬件打交道的。



          Android runtime (ART)

          A Java runtime environment provided by AOSP. ART performs the translation of the app’s bytecode into processor-specific instructions that are executed by the device’s runtime environment.


            1. 安卓运行时。
            2. 提供Java运行时环境。
            3. 安卓运行时将应用字节码翻译成特定处理器的指令。
            4. 在设备的运行时环境执行。



            Hardware abstraction layer (HAL)

            A HAL is an abstraction layer with a standard interface for hardware vendors to implement. HALs allow Android to be agnostic about lower-level driver implementations. Using a HAL lets you implement functionality without affecting or modifying the higher level system. For further information, see the HAL overview.


              1. 硬件抽象层。
              2. 抽象了一层标准的接口给供应商实现。
              3. 安卓对底层驱动实现保持不可知。
              4. 功能实现不影响上层系统。


              这个抽象层的规定是安卓兼容性计划所覆盖的。兼容性的定义文档中有对硬件兼容性的要求兼容性测试套件中没有特别针对硬件抽象层的,但上层的框架应该对此有依赖。供应商的软件需求没有专门的文档。供应商的测试套件在各种硬件专门的目录下,例如wifi 1.5的功能测试放在hardware/interfaces/wifi/1.5/vts/functional下。所有硬件的抽象层定义放在hardware/interfaces下。

              Native daemons and libraries

              Native daemons in this layer include init, healthd, logd, and storaged. These daemons interact directly with the kernel or other interfaces and don’t depend on a userspace-based HAL implementation.

              Native libraries in this layer include libc, liblog, libutils, libbinder, and libselinux. These Native libraries interact directly with the kernel or other interfaces and don’t depend on a userspace-based HAL implementation.


                1. 本地守护进程和库。
                2. 本地守护进程举了四例:init、healthd、logd、storaged。
                3. 守护进程直接跟内核交互。
                4. 守护进程跟其它接口交互并不依赖硬件抽象层实现。
                5. 本地库举了五个例子:libc、liblog、libutils、libbinder、libselinux。
                6. 本地库直接跟内核交互。
                7. 本地库跟其它接口交互并不依赖硬件抽象层实现。



                // android.jar
                // frameworks/base/core/java/android/util/Log.java
                public static int w(@Nullable String tag, @NonNull String msg) {
                    return println_native(LOG_ID_MAIN, WARN, tag, msg);
                public static native int println_native(int bufID, int priority, String tag, String msg);
                // libandroid_runtime.so
                // frameworks/base/core/jni/android_util_Log.cpp
                static jint android_util_Log_println_native(JNIEnv* env, jobject clazz,
                        jint bufID, jint priority, jstring tagObj, jstring msgObj)
                    // 删掉了一些代码
                    int res = __android_log_buf_write(bufID, (android_LogPriority)priority, tag, msg);
                    if (tag != NULL)
                        env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(tagObj, tag);
                    env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(msgObj, msg);
                    return res;
                static const JNINativeMethod gMethods[] = {
                    /* name, signature, funcPtr */
                    { "isLoggable", "(Ljava/lang/String;I)Z", (void*) android_util_Log_isLoggable },
                    { "println_native", "(IILjava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I", (void*) android_util_Log_println_native },
                    { "logger_entry_max_payload_native", "()I", (void*) android_util_Log_logger_entry_max_payload_native },
                // liblog.so
                // system/logging/liblog/logger_write.cpp
                static __android_logger_function user_set_logger_function = nullptr;
                static __android_logger_function get_logger_function() {
                    if (user_set_logger_function != nullptr) {
                        return user_set_logger_function;
                    static __android_logger_function default_logger_function = []() {
                #if __ANDROID__
                    if (get_file_logger_path() != nullptr) {
                        return file_logger;
                    } else {
                        return __android_log_logd_logger;
                    return file_logger;
                    return default_logger_function;
                void __android_log_write_log_message(__android_log_message* log_message) {
                    ErrnoRestorer errno_restorer;
                    // 删掉了一些代码
                int __android_log_buf_write(int bufID, int prio, const char* tag, const char* msg) {
                    ErrnoRestorer errno_restorer;
                    if (!__android_log_is_loggable(prio, tag, ANDROID_LOG_VERBOSE)) {
                        return -EPERM;
                    __android_log_message log_message = {
                        sizeof(__android_log_message), bufID, prio, tag, nullptr, 0, msg};
                    return 1;
                void __android_log_logd_logger(const struct __android_log_message* log_message) {
                    int buffer_id = log_message->buffer_id == LOG_ID_DEFAULT ? LOG_ID_MAIN : log_message->buffer_id;
                    // 删掉了一些代码
                    write_to_log(static_cast<log_id_t>(buffer_id), vec, 3);
                static int write_to_log(log_id_t log_id, struct iovec* vec, size_t nr) {
                    // 删掉了一些代码
                    ret = LogdWrite(log_id, &ts, vec, nr);
                    PmsgWrite(log_id, &ts, vec, nr);
                    return ret;
                // liblog.so
                // system/logging/liblog/logd_writer.cpp
                int LogdWrite(log_id_t logId, struct timespec* ts, struct iovec* vec, size_t nr) {
                    ssize_t ret;
                    static const unsigned headerLength = 1;
                    struct iovec newVec[nr + headerLength];
                    android_log_header_t header;
                    size_t i, payloadSize;
                    static atomic_int dropped;
                    LogdSocket& logd_socket =
                        logId == LOG_ID_SECURITY ? LogdSocket::BlockingSocket() : LogdSocket::NonBlockingSocket();


                The kernel is the central part of any operating system and talks to the underlying hardware on a device. Where possible, the AOSP kernel is split into hardware-agnostic modules and vendor-specific modules. For a description, including definitions, of AOSP kernel components, refer to the Kernel overview.


                  1. 内核。
                  2. 内核是任何一个操作系统的核心。
                  3. 直接跟设备硬件打交道。
                  4. 安卓开源系统平台内核分为两部分,一部分与硬件无关,另一部分是特定供应商的模块。
                  5. 内核概述链接。


                  依据生产过程,定制内核需要三方参与,AOSP项目维护者、硬件单片机和外设的供应商、原始设备生产商。拿我手上的华为荣耀Play 6T来说,谷歌公司是AOSP项目维护者,联发科和华为是硬件供应商、荣耀终端有限公司是原始设备生产商。依据通用内核映像(GKI)项目的说法,内核由四部分构成,Linux长期支持版(LTS)内核、安卓公共内核、供应商内核、生产商设备内核。





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